About me

Ayomipo Olukoya is a Nigerian undergraduate from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. She’s a Wattpad and Inkitt writer and over the years, she has written over fifteen books on both sites. Her dream is to get her books published in the nearest future but at the moment, she’s trying to find her path while also getting paid as a ghostwriter for doing what she loves: writing and editing.

Below is a cover of my latest work:

I write romance, erotica and action novels. I have written and completed a few novels and eroticas both on Wattpad and also on Inkitt.


She belongs to the billionaire was my first book ever on Wattpad and it has gained over 6,000,000 views on Wattpad. It is an Italian romance novel which has helped me gain experience in building a world of amazing characters and also meeting amazing readers from all over the globe.

My most recently completed short story is My sister’s husband. It is a short story erotica and is currently only available on Inkitt as an exclusive erotica.
